Your feminine essence is rooted in your Sacral Power. Tap into wisdom of the ancients and reclaim yours.
The doorway to your liberation
lies in understanding how your internal rhythms are deeply intertwined with those found in nature. As a female, operating on a 28 ish day cycle, your body, mind and soul are designed to ebb and flow like the phases of the moon.
Remembrance of this natural rhythm unlocks the keys to self acceptance, deep trust and peace within.
Honoring your natural rhythms
and communing with nature through ritual creates harmony between you and Mother Earth, reconnecting you to Source.
Remembering the nature within you unlocks the beauty and majesty that has always been present.
Rediscover your truth to, once again, live a life filled with passion and purpose.
Moontime Mysteries
Rhythmic Reset
5 Weeks of:
Sacred Sister Circles
Deep Connection
Soul Nourishment
Embodiment Rituals
Practical Guidance:
Herbal & Nutritional Remedies
Sacred Feminine Rituals
Deepening Self Love